Les “Elles”, oeuvres papier d’Aïdée Bernard seront exposées à la Biennale Internationnale d’Art Papier à Shangaï au musée Fegxian du 25 septembre au 25 novembre 2021.

The 2021 Shanghai International Paper Art Biennale is organized by Paper Studio and Fengxian Museum, and jointly hosted by Culture and Tourism Bureau of Fengxian District, Shanghai.

The epidemic that began at the end of 2019 has sealed each individual in an independent space, while at the same time being engulfed in a closely related human community. In this biennale, a various thoughts of artists around world will be presented, concerning the epidemic, nature, live, promising hope and the great love.

The paper that has always written history will continue to write in the form of contemporary art at this moment, taking the real-time picture of epidemics and the river of consciousness. At the same time, we are able to swim through the cold winter and head towards the next spring, along with the soft yet tough power of paper

Exhibition date: Sept 25th – Nov 25th 2021

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