“Material Thinking” 1st International Contemporary Material Art Biennale received 2066 artworks from 80 countries and districts all over the world. 1196 pieces of artworks were submitted from overseas and 870 pieces of artworks from China. The artworks were selected by the international jury committee anonymously. 150 artworks were finally selected for the Biennale, including 82 artworks from overseas and 68 artworks from China. The list is as follows:
Artists from overseas
–Artist(Nation)Title of Artwork–
(The artists are listed in alphabetical order.)
Aïdée Bernard(France)Wild paper
Alvaro Diego Gomez Campuzano(Colombia)The phoenix
Ana Jovanovska(Macedonia)OASES
Angélica Castillo(Venezuela)Anima Mundi
Anita Brendgens(Germany)Topolino
Anna Boyadjieva(Bulgaria)Circles
Anna Wagner-Ott(Canada)Architecture form #4 #5
Åsil Bøthun(Norway)Lost Affairs
Atsushi Adachi (Japan) Flame Dance
Baiba Osīte(Latvia)Blue, gray and red square
Benigna Wara Cardozo Velasquez(Bolivia)Mental gaps
Bornemisza Eszter(Hungary)Elective Affinities
Brigitte Amarger(France)H154 / H360
Bronislava Bacilkova(Czech)Search for Balance
Carmen Imbach Rigos(Argentina/ Uruguay)Warped around the threads of domestic spaces
Charlotte Østergaard(Denmark)Entanglements
Danit Melman Shaked(Israel)Infinity
David Moreno(Spain)Go down to go up II
Denise Blanchard(Chile)Sacred Mantle
Diana Grabowska(Poland)Mask
Dolo Navas(Spain)Underwater Installation
Elidia Kreutzer(Austria)The common thread
Elke Mank(Germany)Cracks in society
Emma Segura Calderón(Costa Rica)Trans* series
Freddy Coello(Ecuador)Metamorphosis
Gabriel Álvarez(Argentina)Crocodile Courtship
Helene Tschacher(Germany)The Disappearance of Words
Ieva Krūmiņa(Latvia)Loneliness
Iris Viviana Perez Romero(Republica Dominicana)De la serie Bosque Mistico
Iveta Tomanová(Slovakia)TROLL I
James Johnson-Perkins(UK)GIGATAGE
Janne Peltokangas(Finland)Ipmil No5 / Bieggagállis
Janusz Kucharski(Poland)Own phenotype
Jeannine De Raeymaecker(Belgium)Encapsulated Nostalgia
Jennifer Robertson(Australia)Tectonic Lineations II
Jo Hamilton(UK/USA)Stratified Shining Island
Joan Schulze(USA)Note series
Jovita Sakalauskaite Akgun(Turkey)Are you angry to be happy?
Judit Eszter Kárpáti / Esteban de la Torre(Mexico/Hungary)Deep Flux
Kanchan Karjee(India)Philosopher Stone
Kanfitine Yaffah(Togo)Le royaume
Katerina Borodavchenko(Russia)All-Seeing Eye
Katie Taylor(UK)Bound up Material
Khen Salumu Kahoya(Congo)Kinshasa the beautiful
Krystyna Sadej(Canada / Poland)New Hope – Connecting Bridges
Ksenia Shinkovskaya(Latvia)Pilgrims
Liliana Rothschild(Argentina)Mother Earth’s Voice
Lilit Stepanyan(Armenia)”BUT”
Ludwika Ogorzelec(Poland)Crystallization of Space
Ludwika Zytkiewicz-Ostrowska(Poland)Memories
Ma Sai Cheong(Australia)Earth to earth
Mali Klein(Netherlands)Green Green Grass of Home
Manana Dzidzikashvili(Georgia)Emigrants
Manuel Alves Dias(Portugal)”O fio de Ariadne”
Maria Eugenia Moya(Peru)Haptic Self Portrait
María Ortega Galvez(Spain)Geographic`s Maps
Maria Torrendell(Uruguay)Who Said Fragile?
Maribel Portela(Mexico)Waterfall
Marika Szaraz / Richard Flament(Luxembourg / Belgium)Vortex
Masuma Halai Khwaja(Pakistan)Not a conference
Miroslav Brooš(Slovakia)Fruits-of-Paper
Monique Lehman(Poland/USA)Rainforest
Nadia Díaz Graverán(Cuba)Woman who weave herself
Nara Guichon(Brazil)Dormencia
Natalia Tsvetkova(Russia)Unicorn Skull
Niko Kapa(Greece)Exhumations
Nina Nenadović(Slovenia)Untitled
Paweł Kiełpiński(Poland)The unshapes
Raija Jokinen(Finland)Listening a Lake
Raquel Lejtreger(Uruguay)Out in the open
Ruzica Zajec(Croatia)Comment
Sefi Gal(Israel)Elevation
Sergei Belaoki(Belarus)Our daily bread…
Sibyl Heijnen(Netherlands)Room for reflection Venice
Simon Fagéus(Sweden)The Five Legged Spider
Sun Young Kang(Korea)The Endless Lines
Susan Taber Avila(USA)The Forest
Tina Marais Struthers(Canada)Untamed
Ursula Gerber Senger(Switzerland)Present Day Nomads III
Wardah Naeem Bukhari(Pakistan)Body in space
Wattanchot Tungateja(Thailand)Oriental Mind
Xiaojing Yan(Canada)Spirit Cloud
Artists from China
Artist—Title of Artwork
(The artists are listed in alphabetical order.)
Batu—The Safari
Bai Yueyu—Folded space IV
Bai Ziqian —Bioluminescence
Cai Chenlin—Visible Illusion – Mushroom Cloud 3
Chai Xinmeng—Idylls of the Field
Shen Lieyi—Rain
Chen Yan—Seven Days
DongYangyang/Han Yu—Line Traces – Qian
Dong Ziyuan (Taiwan)—A State of Being
Feng Chongli—Trace-1
Fu Yuhan—The Unbearable Lightness of Life
Gao Yang—Bamboo Stick Sofa
Ge Pingwei—Knot – Screen
Guo Zhenyu—The String Message of the Universe
He Art Group (Kang Yue/Qian Liang/Fu Tingdong)—Wool Story
Hei Yu—Boundary-Limit|Ember-02
Hou Jiming—Restoration Plan-1
Hu Mingzhe—Empty (1, 6)
Hu Quanchun—Sequestration
Jikchuhamo —Lazegechu
Jia Shanguo—Gengzi Seal
Jiang Yanze—Fade Away
Jiao Chentao—Here and Now
Jin Hui—Lonely Planet
Lei Tao—White Fantasia
Li Bochao—Fragments of Rainbow
Li Haibin—Common Life
Li Haoyu—Remembering-Trace
Li Hongbo—Nature Series – Wood
Li Jiaxin—Landscape
Li Jing—Zen-Stone
Li Wei/Liang Xuefang—Chuan Mountain and Shu Water
Lin Gang—Benevolent
Liu Feng—The Night Cry of Wu – Yu Beauty
Lv Jing—Buyable Fantasy
Lv Yue—Female Red
Luo Huan—The Shen Nong Project
Ma Wenjia—The Great Wall
Ma Yanxia—Symbiosis
Shi Fu—To the Isolated
Shi Mei—Wabi-Sabi
Song Chunyang—Messing with
Sun Jiwei —Floating Life
Sun Yue —Neolithic Industrial Seal
Tan Xun—Rainbow – Stitching 2#
Wan Liya—Heaven and Earth Series-5a
Wang Haiyan—Lace Series
Wang Jian—Horse
Wang Lei —Dahe 3013
Wang Liwei —Blue Bones
Wang Xiaoxin —Meditation of the Union
Wang Xuyuan —Ink – Shadow
Wang Zhongmin —Silence?
Wu Haoyu—Neolithic 2020-NO.1
Wu Jiumo—Dancer” series
Xiang Yang—From here to there – Flying Birds
Xu Xiaoding—Urban texture series
Yang Sijia (Hong Kong)—Decomposing Skin
Yang Yang—The Far Side of the World
Yu Huijuan— “Fade” Series
Yuan Bo—Lingbi Asking the Way
Zhang Lunlun—Sculpture in Place
Zhang Wendi —Doll NO.6
Zhang Xiaoxue —Low Fever No.1-No.8
Zhang Yun—Stirring Series-3-18A
Zhi Min—Four Gods of Heaven – Vermilion Bird
Zhou Junnan—Paper Clothes Series- Grotto
Zhou Xiaoou—Fade
Organizing Committee
February 20th, 2022